Season 2018/19

Templestowe C.C is gearing up for big Season 2018/19. The club has secured some great new players in Lachlan VOLPE (Captain 1st XI and Training co-ordinator), Praveen DILANKA a fast right arm bowler from Sri Lanka in his first visit to Australia and returning is Probodha coming off last years winning batting averages.
Since the close of last season the committee has been working hard with the Juniors and establishing training strategies and policies. The committee is keen to develop our juniors and give them the best possible start and opportunities to develop their growth with the club. The Juniors have substantially grown through the off season and we all look forward to old and new faces this season.
There are a number of new faces that will arrive on the senior list, and its been great to meet a few at our last and first pre season training session at Topline Sports. We will all be back at Topline Sports in Burgess Road BAYSWATER NORTH on Sunday 19th August from 12.30PM to 2PM and again on Sunday 26th August. After our 3rd indoor session and depending on the weather we will be hoping to get down to the club and start outdoor training, but will be advised.
So if you have a few hours on Sunday come down to Topline and roll the arm over, everyone is welcome, 7 weeks til the start of the season.
Go Stowe